Monday, December 24, 2007

indulge before the leave ends and back to work!

is just 2 days away from the end of my long leave

time to tune back that brain of mine back to work!

lets put that aside this festive xmas mood

i had my first pig out yesterday at Clement & Jo's place

had my fill, with praise and worship then i pig out again

playing mahjong till around 11 and wasted 20bucks on cab.

i recieved 2 pairs of socks from esprit courtesy of irv and syl

1 photo frame with the photo of damian and myself inside courtesy of gerald and mart

xmas card from amelia (=

my second pig out at damian sister place

celebrated damian's 27th birthday

the food was good! the clam's spag (if that is what is called) reminds me that christian cooked the same dish at sharon's plc few yrs back!

i think is pretty easy to do. i caught this off online food web..yummies again..but this one didnt put any wine. hmm.

Spaghetti with Red Mullet


500g Dried Spaghetti or Linguini
5 or 6 fillets of Red Mullet, pin boned
1 Small Red Chilli (more if you like)
2 Cloves Garlic (more if you like)
Small Bunch of chopped Parsley
Olive Oil

Maybe i should try some day... i miss cooking and my luxury of time when i study

i caught this oneh oneh( duno if this is the correct spelling) recipe..dam likes it.. i think is not so bad to do.

i did kueh salat like a 2 years back, it didnt taste as nice ( because i miss -read the recipe) smirks*

thats when i going to start this passion running the next year!
come join me in some cooking lessons ! haa. * but im serious*

ok and had other fabulous food there.

my next pig out will be at my aunty's annual bbq place

is going to be good too i know it! and going for 2 movies in the afternoon

alvin & chipmunks + national treasure .. before the bbq

then midnight xmas mass at holy trinity

then im back to vpn,clear my mails at work before entering the office on 25th morning.



Thank God. I love u MORE THAN any human on earth because u mess up my life here and there and U are just in control. Reel Control.

i listen to a stream this morning and got this out somewhere in the message

God can take the Worst Thing and make it turn out for Eternal Good

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