Thursday, October 18, 2007

is alreadee mid-week

time really passes fast.

damian and myself together with another bro went to chijmes on sun

jazzzzzzzz ..

monday wasnt a very good day to start the week.

i worked the longest days for my life 2 days in a row

8am - 1.30am .. omg... ben and myself are so tired.

clearing "shits" for other dept

just because of 1 stupid broker in jap who book the trades into the wrg a/c

every morning i just can't open my email box first.

i had to go make my tea and fill my nalgene bottle with water first

clearing hundreds of emails, replying client's email, making amendments..callings..

can be very time consuming..and i have to rush for japan cut off time at 10am.

less than 2 hrs for all of that. before i can even start with my daily work

sometimes is just madness but a challenge.

i hadnt had a good lunch out for the week.

hadnt had time to clear my home email as well.

hadnt had enough sleep.

im waiting for the day i play mahjong. *blinks*

i miss the sgx bull run on friday..i want to go for the standard chartered run..

i wanna run. i miss running... i need to get a pair of shoes and shorts..and put aside time...

hard. i have been snacking and feeding myself with nonsense..


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