Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Past & The Present .. and more NEWS.


all i could say is we persevered the last leg towards the finishing point.
with tons of hiccups and mind blowing instances during exam periods mths before.

remember the begining of days when we are so enthu to get good results
and also remember the days when we just wish to get a mere pass in any subject because we just couldnt take it no more. (or maybe is just me)

i still remember the days during my 1st year where i have 4 consecutive days of exam back to back. i seriously do not know how i survived then.
2nd year was a slacked year and i failed my Corporate Finance but am glad i failed.
3rd year was a gd time, i attended the same lecture and studied with some of my secondary school friends.

i do not know abt u but i couldnt even be bothered if i am getting an honours. just wish i clear all the exams, but is gd i ended with an honours. just glad. is a great relieve.


i shan't talk about my work. overall i think im lucky to get into credit leyonis.

NEWS in brief

Today news shocked me abit.

... Japan's Abe steps down as prime minister ...
resigned after just more than 1 yr in power. thats really fast. he made a mess ? hmm.

... Taiwan air force shows strength amid fresh tension with China ...
Taiwan showed off two US-made F-16 fighter jets Wednesday in a show of its intent to defend itself from any attack by China

and.... okay...time to ciao ! :D

2 more days to weekend !

" The more important the decision, the more necessary it is to get away from all distractions, including (or especially!) the distractions of our own will and desires. This is only possible when we slow down and pray long enough to ascend above our worldly and self-centered thinking. "


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