Friday, August 31, 2007

is a happy thursday

apparently. today seem like a friday !

today fail trades for japan is awesomely little.

i left work at 5pm with ben !

i met my boy.

and we walked and walked and walked.

im super tired. we walk from Dhoby Ghuat to Somerset to Orchard and Back.

on my heels.

yay tml is FRIDAY. i can wear my flats and tee and maybe shorts. muahahaha..

o mag mag mag is looking window online shopping again

she bought a hollister tee yesterday ...

im looking for a nice wear at work...

i saw one damn nice lah everyday when i go to work at ralph lauren..

$350 la.. actually is quite alrite if im working for quite sometime..nt now man ! =(

o ya im suppose to churn out my birthday list hor ?


and i want to pass my exams leh.. pls...

mag pouts*

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